Common Raccoon
Raccoons are easily recognizable medium-sized carnivores with distinctive blackish facial masks outlined with white and with alternating black and buff/white rings on the bushy tail. Raccoons are widely distributed across most of the United States, and are found statewide in Texas. They are seldom found far from water and prefer hardwood-timbered habitats.
Raccoons live in dens located primarily in trees or rock ledges. In urban environments, they commonly use barns, houses, and other available buildings as den sites. Raccoons are nocturnal and typically spend the day in their dens.
Mating season begins in February and continues through August. Most of the young are born in April or May. Litter size varies from two to four. Young raccoons are well haired at birth and have dark skin with no rings on the tail. Eyes open between the 18th and 23rd day. Weaning of the young occurs by the ages of 12 weeks.
If you come across a young raccoon, please stay back and monitor it. If necessary, place the young in a box for additional protection and leave in a protected spot in the shade for 24 hours. If the mother is still around, given the opportunity, she will take back her young, even if you have touched them. If they are old enough to follow her, she will encourage them and lead them. If they are small, she will pick them up one at a time to carry them to safety. After 24 hours, please contact us for instruction if the young are still abandoned.