Gray & Red Fox
Gray foxes are medium-sized with grayish upperparts, reddish brown legs, tawny sides, and whitish throat and cheeks. The Red fox is similar in size to the gray fox but conspicuously different in color and in cranial characteristics. These animals are rusty red in color, grizzled with white throughout the face and throat. Red fox are not native to Texas, having been introduced around 1895 in the eastern and central portions of the state. Today, they occur over most of the state except for the far western and southern regions.
Both species are social animals, with the primary unit being the family consisting of an adult male and female plus a number of juveniles. Both are most active at night, although they occasionally move during the early morning or late afternoon.
Gray foxes are monogamous. They produce one litter a year, between two to six young, arriving in late winter or early spring. Gray foxes are estimated to live six to ten years in the wild. The family unit will stay together until early fall, when the young reach sexual maturity, then disperse.
Red foxes reproduce once a year, with a litter averaging four to six arriving in March or April. Pups open their eyes around nine days of age, appear outside the den at about one month, and are weaned at about ten weeks. The family unit will stay together until early fall before the young disperse to create their own family unit. The life expectancy of a pup in the wild is less than 1 year, and few foxes live beyond the age of three to four years. Humans and domestic dogs are their major predators.
Both the gray fox and red fox are rabies vector species. Do not touch a fox until you've been instructed to do so. Do not allow pets or children to make contact with these animals.
The best chance of survival for a baby fox is to be raised by it's natural parents. Make every effort to allow the parents to care for their babies before considering removal from the wild. If you locate an injured or sick fox, please contact the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Information Line at 1-800-792-1112. We will work with them directly when rehabilitation care is needed.